Peace Quotes - 2
It is easy to conform, but it takes great courage to stand up for peace.
Peace is an inner perception and an inner consciousness. Peace is a blooming flower, and peace is her calmness.
To promote peace, promote understanding. To promote understanding, promote love.
O my brothers and sisters of the world! Plant the seeds of love and peace in every mind so that we may create a heavenly garden on this earth.
More often than not, you are at war with yourself. No one can really give you peace. To find peace, you must create inner calmness and tranquility, and practice self-love.
Life is a journey, so go on your way. Be a messenger of peace.
The secret to happiness, peace, and self-confidence is to forgive yourself and forgive others.
Peace is a long journey within; with enduring calmness, tranquility, and kindness you will win.
Forgive yourself. Be calm and kind so that nothing will disturb your inner peace of mind.
If your mind is not at peace, you cannot find it anywhere else in the world. To be at peace, look inside yourself.
The ultimate purpose of life is peace and happiness. You attain it through service, care, and kindness.
Forgive your past to make peace with your present.
When you realize who you are and why you’re here, then you will be at peace.
Live your life; keep hope alive. Tomorrow will be better when peace is there.
Be the source of peace and love; commit to be a person of love and kindness who radiates peace from within.
I dream of a land of peace where everyone can live in harmony.
If you become the light of peace, there will be no darkness of hatred.
Let me go where love is abundant, peace is plentiful, and joy is in the air.
To find inner peace, be honest with yourself.No one is responsible for your inner peace and inner joy, except for you.
To forgive is to be free from past resentments and to welcome the dawn of peace.
Do not allow outer chaos to disturb your inner tranquility, serenity, and peace.If you are not able to find peace within yourself, no one will be able to bring you peace.
Nobody can steal your inner beauty, tranquility, and peace without your consent.
Your strength is not found in your ability to fight. It is found in your peacefulness of mind.
A simple journey creates a peaceful life.To bring peace to this world, you have to be peaceful within yourself.
When you love those who do not deserve your love, you create a wave in the ocean of peace.When someone hurts you or hates you, do not hate them in return. Win them with love. By doing this, you will find peace.
Peaceful are they who are living in the moment. Living in the past destroys the peace of today.
Make peace with your past, and you will make room for your future.
Living in the future overshadows the peace of this moment.
Cleverness is egocentric and dramatic, and it gives the illusion of success.
We are always running behind it and ultimately suffer because of it.
Simplicity nurtures the ultimate inner peace.
However, simplicity is spiritual, blissful, free from drama, and joyful.
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Debasish Mridha, MD
Debasish Mridha, MD
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2022 DebasishMridha,MD
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